Mistakes To Avoid If You Are A Treadmill User
Date Posted: May 16, 2022
As for buying top-quality treadmills in Canada, you can always get in touch with Great Life Fitness Store. We have some of the best treadmills in the market.
Whether you are running or walking on it in a gym or at home, treadmill is an amazing fitness device that helps you keep your cardiovascular health in great condition, burn a lot calories, and improve your muscle tone. Although these devices are quite user-friendly, some users unknowingly increase their risk of injuries by making a few mistakes. So, if you are considering to buy a treadmill or already using one, we will advice you to steer clear of the below-mentioned mistakes.
Not Warming Up The Body
Some people think that walking on the treadmill is a type of warm up, which is not exactly true. It may seem like a warm up but it actually is not. It is very tempting to just get on a treadmill, set a speed, and then start running. Resist that temptation and do some dynamic stretches before you jump onto the treadmill. Warming up your body will significantly reduce the risk of injuries while running on the treadmill.
Running Near The Front of Treadmill
Another common mistake many people make is, they run quite close to the treadmill’s front. You will receive the maximum benefit of treadmill by running in the middle of it. The problem with running on the front is, your posture will get affected quite a lot because you would try to avoid hitting the front of the belt. You won’t be able to swing your arms properly and leaning back while running might result in lower back pain and strained shoulder muscles.
Not Using The Right Shoes
In addition to warming up and running in the middle of the treadmill, you should also use the right shoes to get the maximum benefit out of your treadmill run. It is quite surprising to observe that a lot of people run on the treadmill wearing wrong shoes. They are not aware that using shoes that do not offer proper support can lead to injuries in the hip and knees. So, make sure you buy the right shoes that provide proper support and comfort before running on the treadmill.
Using The Handrail Too Much
We all know that handrails on treadmills are there to support us when we need to hold up while working out. However, some people make the mistake of using the handrail way too much, which is not good at all. There are two major disadvantages of using the handrail excessively. First is, you won’t be able to burn a lot of calories. Second is, you will develop tension in your back, neck, and shoulders by not swinging your arms. Needless to say when you do not use your arms while running, you will run with poor form. So, use the handrail only when you really need to.
Apart from the above-mentioned mistakes, you should also do not run with weights in your hands and sidestep on the treadmill. You will be able to get the maximum value out of your treadmill workout if you steer clear of the these mistakes. As for buying top-quality treadmills in Canada, you can always get in touch with Great Life Fitness Store. We have some of the best treadmills in the market. Check them out on our website under the cardio section!
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